Guide to Form Natural Sequences and Sets in Rummy

Learning rummy is not a tough job. Anyone can learn how to play rummy simply by reading the rules and practising a bit. The simplicity of this game makes it popular among all card players around India. Here we try and explain the essential aspects of rummy playing so that newbies too can grasp the game well. Read along to know:

  1. Main Goals of Rummy

The aim of a rummy player is to create two sequences and two sets in a regular 13 card rummy game. Only a person who has completed these two requirements can call it rummy and show his hand to other players. Know more about these sets and sequences here

  1. How to Create Natural Sequence or Life 1?

A natural sequence is a sequence made only from cards without the use of any jokers. A natural sequence in Indian rummy may be created by using number cards or face cards. The sequence maybe created in ascending or descending order of the value of cards. A natural sequence is termed as life one as without a natural sequence you can never win a game of rummy.

If the pulled-out joker is a 2 of spades and you are trying to make a natural sequence 2,3,4 and 5 of spades, you may use the pulled-out joker to represent its actual value. In rummy online, a natural sequence, you cannot use joker to play the role of a joker.

  1. How to Create Real Sequence or Life 2?

A real sequence is also a sequence made in ascending or descending order of the values. Even this sequence in unlimited rummy can be made using face cards or number cards. However, in real sequences, a player is allowed to use actual or pulled out joker to complete the sequence. A real sequence is referred to as life two. The two sequences are together termed as life and unless the life is formed, the player’s full points are counted.

While real sequence can be made from low value or high value cards, it always makes sense to dispose the high value playing cards and replace them with low value cards so that the points in your hand are minimised.

  1. How to Create Sets or Melds?

Apart from the sequences, you also need to create sets or melds. Melds or sets are formed by cards of the same number or value but of different signs. For instance, an ace of spade, an ace of diamond and an ace of hearts combine to form a meld. You are allowed to use actual or pulled out jokers to complete melds or sets. Melds in an online rummy circle, can be formed using number cards, sign cards or even jokers.

  1. Some Quick Tips to Help Newbie Players


  • Always give preference to making life before making sets or melds
  • Once the life is formed, your next goal should be to reduce points in your hand
  • If you have used jokers to form sequences, keep an eye on replacement cards so that these jokers maybe used to complete the set

  1. An Overview

Among the vast range of card games, rummy is surely among the simplest games. It increases organising and thinking skills. People of all ages can easily understand the game. You can now practice this game online with the help of Khelplay Rummy app that is easy and user-friendly means to play rummy online.