Clenbuterol is a world famous drug used to lose weight by burning fat effectively. It helps in developing lean muscle and to promote muscle growth and enhancement, suppressing the fat content of the body. It is proved to be beneficial by many athletes and body builders since this drug serves the purpose every athlete desires. But it also should be remembered that clenbuterol or likewise drugs if found in the body of athletes, they may face ban and can be rejected from international tournaments. So definitely, though they are very useful to serve the purpose of many, one should not compromise with his or her professional and career goals by using any illegal drugs. Though there is increased demand and popularity of these drugs all over the world, still a few only know how to use these drugs correctly.
Proper dosage for best results
The best way to take such drugs is to get professional help from registered and licensed doctors who prescribe drugs for treatment of diseases. But they are seasoned to handle drugs and its properties and hence are the best helpers possible in these cases. Now for beginners who are willing to take on to such drugs without consulting doctors or getting professional help, they should know como tomar clenbuterol (how to take clenbuterol). The first thing that should be studied is that like most other drugs clenbuterol comes in pills of micrograms and not milligrams. The basic difference must be understood to get correct results. Over consumption of these pills by making such silly mistakes can lead to dangerous results and cause life threats. Now the entire process of taking clenbuterol goes on in an on and off cycle. That is the best way to use the drug and benefits are maximized by this process. The body first needs to adjust to the various changes occurring in the hormonal and other patterns. Hence a low dose of 20 mcg is perfect to start with. It is continued for 2 weeks and then off cycle starts for another 2 weeks. Now you start again with the dose at the beginning and then go on with it for 2 weeks. 2 weeks of rest are recommended for maximum results. Then slowly the dosage may be increased by a low margin of around 20 mcg. These cycles should be continued till you reach the maximum level of 120 mcg, above which use is harmful to the body.
Over consumption is dangerous
By reading and understanding como tomar clenbuterol (how to take clenbuterol) in the correct way, one can stay at bay from its dangerous side effects. In the drive of achieving quick results many make the mistake of over consuming the drug which at the same time do not give efficient results since the optimal on and off cycles are not followed and moreover lead to many long term side effects as alteration in the entire body cycle. It may prove to be dangerous if not used properly and hence correct guideline must be gone through before selecting this drug.