6 Mobile Security Predictions for 2016

From "riskware" to malicious mobile apps that circumvent app store controls by leveraging enterprise application distribution capabilities in iOS and Android, mobile security threats are on the rise. So it's…

The unexpected rise of the managed data centre

For the last five years, industry analysts have predicted that cloud will kill the data centre. So why are colocation revenues continuing to climb at about 10% a year? Why…

Digital Manners: Stemming the Tide of Poor Habits and Etiquette

It’s true that my peers and I -- as well as plenty of those that followed -- went to school with no more than (at best) access to a computer. So how is society…

Colombia: President Santos Wants Rebels Off Terror List

President Juan Manuel Santos is asking the United States to remove the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia from its list of terrorist organizations to help him seal a peace deal…

The Most Important Google Search Algorithm Changes Of 2015 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Here we are in 2016 and the discussion on where search engines came from, and where they're heading, rages on unabated. Google continued its relentless assault on low quality content…

What Is the Zika Virus? Your Questions Answered

      The World Health Organization meets next week to decide whether to declare Zika a global emergency. The virus is spreading fast across the Americas, and WHO expects…

Police Raid Homes of Elderly Nazi SS Suspects Over 1944 Massacre

Police raided the homes of three elderly men suspected of taking part in a World War II massacre while members of the Nazi SS, a prosecutor said Friday. The three…

Cloud and IoT – Digital Imperatives for 2016

If you’re among the elite IT-savvy senior executives — the most informed about the upside opportunities for digital business transformation — then I trust that 2016 is the year where you’ll likely make a…

Grenade Thrown at Refugee Shelter in Germany: Police

A grenade was thrown over a fence and into the grounds of a refugee reception center in southwest Germany early Friday, police said. The scene of the grenade attack in…

Paul Allen’s Firm Working With Caymans Amid Reports Yacht Damaged Reef

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's firm is working with authorities in the Cayman Islands amid reports that the billionaire's 300-foot luxury yacht destroyed 14,000 square feet of protected coral reef. Paul…