Nutanix Scales Hyperconvergence in a Private Cloud
While hyperconvergence inside the data center is all the rage these days, Nutanix wants to remind IT organizations that it is really only a means to achieving a true private…
With ECS, EMC Offers an Alternative to Cloud Storage
Even in an era of budget cuts and triumphant cloud, companies will continue to invest in infrastructure on site. Although public cloud-based solutions provide both more flexibility and more choices,…
After the flood: Why IT service continuity is your best insurance policy
The severe floods that hit the north of England and parts of Scotland in December 2015 and January 2016 devastated both homes and businesses, and led to questions about whether…
Apple’s CloudKit is the MBaaS Answer to AWS and Azure Cloud Services
Among the flurry of news announced during theWWDC event by Apple as part of its annual developer conference, there were over a very interesting announcement made by Apple in the…
Latest cloud infrastructure research shows yet more AWS dominance
This is not the most surprising news you will hear today: a note published by Synergy Research argues Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) domination of the cloud infrastructure market continues. The…
Why company culture is key to cloud success
If you ask any successful company for the key to their success, or ask any employee why they are happy in a position, the answer is almost always “the people”.…
IBM Big Bets on Software-Defined Storage and Hybrid Cloud
Gartner says that 70% of existing storage solutions will be available as software only in 2019. And in 2020, about 70 to 80% of unstructured data will be positioned in…
Why 2016 needs to be the year of granularity for cloud
A recent business conversation led to the establishment of the fact that the data centre business is becoming more cutthroat than ever. Price wars, advanced offerings, upsells and what not…
How to cross the DevOps chasm in a safe and reliable manner
If you read IT blogs regularly, you would assume DevOps is already the status quo, that everyone has ‘crossed the chasm’, and are practicing continuous delivery on a daily basis.…