The first episode of 11.22.63, Hulu’s new miniseries starring a time-travelling James Franco trying to stop the assassination of JFK, is now free to watch on Xbox One and Xbox 360. The episode, “Rabbit Hole,” is free on both platforms through February 21.

As explained in this Xbox Wire post, you do not need a Hulu subscription or even an Xbox Live Gold membership to watch the episode. You’ll find the episode promoted on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 dashboard, where you can also see production photos and a behind-the-scenes video.
There is no app required to watch “Rabbit Hole,” as the video streams directly from the promo page.
The episode originally aired Monday, February 15. Subsequent installments will debut every Monday through March 28, and will be available for Hulu subscribers through the Hulu app on Xbox One and Xbox 360.
11.22.63 is based on the 2011 Stephen King novel of the same name. The show is produced by Star Wars: The Force Awakensdirector JJ Abrams and stars Franco ago Jake Epping, a teacher who travels back in time to try to stop JFK’s assassination. As you might have guessed, things don’t exactly go to plan.
The show also stars Chris Cooper (American Beauty, The Patriot) and Josh Duhamel (Transformers).