It’s Friday, which means it’s time for another Game Rant Open Discussion. For those who aren’t familiar with our Open Discussions, it’s a place where we recap a few of the week’s biggest stories, and give our readers a chance to share their opinions about these, and any other topics that interest them.
In this Open Discussion, we’ll be touching on Activision’s PR stunt fail, the return of Destiny’s Iron Banner event, the Mass Effect theme park ride, Twitch beating Dark Souls and the revival of the Game Ranter Banter.
We’ll get things started with an awkward moment for Activision, who attempted a social media campaign for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 this week that backfired big time. On September 29, the developer began tweeting about an explosion, thought to be an act of terror, at the Singapore Marina. To make things seem more real, the Call of Duty team changed their Twitter handle’s username to Current Events, likely in an attempt to inject a sense of reality into the campaign. Unfortunately, in a world where terror attacks are real, deadly, and horrific, many people felt the developer’s attempt at building hype for their game was distasteful and inappropriate.
Next up, a big one for many Destiny fans. In the wake of launch of The Taken King, Destiny’s third expansion, Bungie has confirmed the popular Crucible PvP event, Iron Banner, will be returning on October 13th. In this round of Iron Banner, Destiny players can expect a handful of changes, including more bounties and improvements to weapons and armor acquisition.
Mass Effect fans had reason to rejoice this week, with BioWare and Cedar Hill Entertainment Company announcing a new interactive theme park ride centered around Commander Shepard’sSSV Normandy ship. Based on the description of 3D technology, 4D effects, and live-action performances, it sounds like there’s a lot to look forward to with this ride.
Ever since Twitch beat Pokemon, it seems gamers can’t get enough of the collaborative, chat-based gaming experience. The most recent game completed by Twitch viewers is the ever-difficult Dark Souls. Impressively, Twitch participants were able to beat the game in a mere 43 days, which is faster than many gamers have been able to do it on their own. WithDark Souls now conquered, it’ll be interesting to see what new gaming challenges Twitch viewers tackle.
Finally, this week saw the return of our Game Ranter Banter, where a few of our writers shed their objective viewpoints and instead shared their passionate opinions about current happenings in the gaming industry. This week, our writers discussed their desire for a new Conker game, the issues with Tony Hawk Pro Skater, why EA’s Netflix for Games may not be the best idea, Konami’s future plans for Metal Gear, and game developers focusing on what they’re good at when it comes to single and multiplayer games.
[“Source- gamerant”]