In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Google and Apple made dedications for the renowned civil rights leader who fought for equality and civil rights through nonviolent means.
Not only did the actions and words of King reach Americans, but they also extended far beyond many countries across the globe. That includes the tech industry as well.
Google invited guest artist Richie Pope to design today’s Google Doodle, where he depicted Dr. King giving a speech and using microphones to spread his word.
“Today’s doodle honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister, community activist, philosopher and humanitarian. His leadership of the American Civil Rights movement, Nobel Peace Prize for non-violent civil disobedience in the face of racial injustice, and eventual martyrdom for the cause, cements his place as a hero for peace and justice worldwide,” Google says.
It was Dr. King who said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase,” which the Mountain View company highlighted on the Google Doodle page for the Baptist minister.
Meanwhile, Apple posted a photo of Dr. King on the company’s main page, which is also a picture where the civil rights leader is giving a speech.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?'” the Apple website currently reads.
It’s also worth mentioning that the CEO of the Cupertino brand Tim Cook used these exact words in a speech when he announced his homosexuality, noting that it was one of the “greatest gifts” he had received from God. This proves how Dr. King’s words still resound to this day and how they will do so for many years and generations to come.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day has been a federal holiday in America since 1983, and it’s celebrated every Jan. 18. Regardless of the geography, many people of different races chime in to honor the day.
Google Doodles pay tribute to iconic figures and events in history, ranging from the 41st anniversary of Lucy the Australopithecus to the 254th birthday of the master composer Ludwig van Beethoven. As such, it was more or less expected for the company to publish a Doodle that commemorates Dr. King’s achievements.