Indian Rummy has been a traditional card game that existed within the family and was played as an integral part of certain festivals. Online version of the game has, however, completely altered the perception of how the traditional rummy patti game was played. The homely game has broken the family boundaries and emerged as an open space game that can be played with opponents from across the world, anywhere and anytime.
With the advent of rummy websites such as Khelplay Rummy that offer facilities of playing online rummy in a safe and fair gaming environment, a player does no longer need to worry about shuffling, distribution, holding or sorting of cards. Everything can be done with simple clicks. As a large number of people spend their idle time in playing online games, the simplicity of rummy caused internet gaming to gain huge popularity.
- Online Gaming Industry in India
Applications that offer a mobile-friendly experience to its users generate traffic, earn revenues, and become popular. Today, the number of users playing rummy online on their smartphones is higher than the number of users who play online games on desktops, laptops, or tablets. This requires a mobile app to be well-designed so that it can offer its target audience a mobile-friendly gaming experience.
This need has increased with the increase in smartphone penetration, improvement in internet connectivity and speed, and decrease in the mobile phone internet charges. India is presently a huge revenue market for the online gaming industry and its mobile gaming revenues for a 13 card rummy game have exceeded millions, spanning all revenue models.
India has witnessed an incredible increase in the number of smartphone and tablet users who can now play online games with just a few taps of the finger. The online Indian rummy game has enabled the western game enthusiasts to connect with the traditional and common Indian card games.
- Why Play Rummy on the Internet?
Those who play rummy online can enjoy this simple yet exciting game of cards even on the go. The Khelplay Rummy App is designed in such a manner that the online format of the game can be played on any mobile device, no matter what the size of the screen is. The app functions seamlessly, thus offering the ultimate gaming experience to its users.
The biggest advantage of Khelplay Rummy is browser compatibility. The other advantages are the smart and user-friendly interface design, user interaction facilities, sound features, and a number of brilliant functions that work smoothly with no hiccup whatsoever.
One can register himself on any renowned rummy website where he can log in whenever he wishes to play Indian Rummy online. These websites are designed to be 100% legal, safe, and secure. Any trustworthy rummy portal can offer you the comfort of playing a game of rummy at home.
- How to Make the Best Out of Rummy Games?
You can do a rummy game download for your desktop and laptop as well as for your mobile phone, provided all these devices have internet connections. The apps have been integrated with the most advanced technology and software, thus removing all chances of any kind of hassle while playing an online game of rummy.
Bringing real rummy players together and making them perfect the art of playing an online game of rummy cards is what a rummy app is created for. The online version rummy is actively played by almost 8 million people from the comfort of their sitting room, or while travelling, or while waiting to see a doctor. The portals offer a number of variants, tournaments, deals, bonuses, discounts, prizes, and rewards that make the experience highly entertaining, profitable, and enjoyable.