While the Xbox One has it’s very own nautical No Man’s Sky in Sea of Thieves, the one-time PS4 and PC exclusive space sim is finally making it to Microsoft’s console. No Man’s Sky creator Sean Murray confirmed that the game is heading to the Xbox One with a Summer 2018 release window. Like most Xbox One games these days, No Man’s Sky Xbox One will sport Xbox One X support in the form of HDR and 4K resolution. Perhaps more importantly, No Man’s Sky on the Xbox One will include all of the previously released content on disc.
This is unlike the retail version of the game on PS4 thanks to the numerous patches and updates No Man’s Sky has seen since its launch in August 2016.
In fact, the forthcoming update to No Man’s Sky is already in the works. Called No Man’s Sky Next, it follows past updates Foundation, Pathfinder, and most recently, Atlas Rises — all of which refined No Man’s Sky’s core gameplay in meaningful ways.
“We are calling this No Man’s Sky Next because it is an important next step in a journey for No Man’s Sky, for Hello Games and for our devoted community,” creator Sean Murray said. “Each update for No Man’s Sky has been more successful than the last; this was especially true of our last update Atlas Rises.”
“It emboldens the team to push ourselves further. This journey is far from over, and it’s exciting to be working again on something you know will surprise people.”