PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) hit iOS and Android earlier this month. Despite being available on Windows PC since last year, it made quite a splash on mobile devices topping the charts in several countries. And with its popularity comes concerns over cheating. PUBG Mobile is being ruined by PC gamers using keyboards and mice. This is possible by using an Android emulator on PC to run PUBG Mobile with a mouse and keyboard. Other players have found success installing the game on Chromebooks and pairing Bluetooth input devices as well. To some, this could amount to cheating as it gives those with keyboard and mouse an unfair advantage.
“I played it five times on my rooted tablet and a mini-USB powered up for mouse/keyboard input. Won five games and realised that very soon once the process for doing that is commonplace that all mobile will be filled with people doing it,” claimed one Redditor.
“I play only with keyboard and mouse. I don’t have controller. And Bluestacks works with keyboard and mouse only. You can customise your own controls and keyboard bindings,” said another.
“I had a blast playing PUBG Mobile with a mouse, but it’s absolutely cheating. After my first game, I started to see other players as walking loot boxes. I wasn’t afraid of any of them and every encounter played out in one of a few ways. Either they’d spot me first, take a pot shot and miss giving me enough time to line up my shot and kill them, or I’d see them first and shoot them in the head. If I got into a firefight I could easily bunnyhop and fire, something that’s almost impossible to do with the touch controls,” writes Motherboard’s Matthew Gault.
PUBG isn’t the only game where input methods could potentially ruin it. Overwatch has had this longstanding issue as well. Blizzard weighed in on the matter with Overwatch Director Jeff Kaplan stating the company “objects to the use of mouse and keyboard on console” on the official Overwatch forums.
“We have contacted both first-party console manufacturers and expressed our concern about the use of mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices,” Kaplan’s post continues. “We have lobbied and will continue to lobby for first-party console manufacturers to either disallow mouse and keyboard and input conversion devices or openly and easily support mouse and keyboard for players.