DICE confirms that it is prioritizing frame rate over resolution in the console versions of Star Wars Battlefront, stating that ‘fidelity is indeed king’.
When the Star Wars Battlefront beta launched, it proved to be so popular that it gained an extension until October 13. However, investigation proved that the fears of some console gamers were true, and that the title was running at 900p on PS4 and a mere 720p on Xbox One. Now, developer DICE has confirmed that it has focused on a higher quality of frame rate over achieving a better resolution.
Star Wars Battlefront technical director Johan Andersson has given an update on Twitter, confirming the developer’s choice on the matter. “Frame rate and fidelity is indeed king,” said Andersson. “Don’t want to sacrifice it for resolution.” However, it appears as though it was a sacrifice that was necessary. Andersson continued to state that it is a choice that “each game team does.”
The release of Star Wars Battlefront’s beta had with it a real sense of anticipation within the gaming community. The beta, which is open to all, has given many gamers a first hand look at the Battlefielddeveloper’s attempt to truly emulate the success of the previous two Star Wars Battlefront games. So far, however, the jury is out as to whether the game reaches the level that players expected.
Nonetheless, the beta has already had its fair share of entertaining moments for gamers, although perhaps not always in the way that DICE may have intended. Gamers have already latched on to a fantastic video showcasing that Luke Skywalker may be a Jedi, but he still cannot withstand the heavy foot of an AT-AT. Hopefully, that level of fun will continue into the full release of the game, in spite of a lesser resolution for console versions.
The lower resolution may be a bitter pill to swallow for some console players, although the 60fps will certainly soften the blow. PC gamers, meanwhile, may feel that a fully optimized PC version certainly makes for a change of scene. After the failure of PC versions of such high profile games as Batman: Arkham Knight, some may breathe a sigh of relief to see a version of a game that is not simply a port of a console edition.
DICE will no doubt claim that the preference for frame rate over resolution is certainly required in the world of multiplayer, with a similar choice seemingly made during the creation of the Visceral-developed Battlefield Hardline for Xbox One. However, questions will be asked over whether a 720p AAA release is really the standard that players expect from the current generation, particularly as we edge ever nearer to 2016.
[“Source- gamerant”]