How To Make SEO Progress Despite Internal Challenges

Founder and CEO of Big Leap, an agency that helps people evolve their companies through effective and sustainable digital marketing methods. Pause Unmute Current Time0:07 / Duration Time1:19 Loaded: 0%…

How technology is changing our art, our world – and even ourselves

It took 20 years from the first time when you saw a cellphone as a brick to now when everybody has one, but technology is changing and developing so fast…

How to Choose an SEO Agency in NYC

The world is changing: physical, slowly but steadily, becomes digital. This is also the case with marketing. Long gone are the days when marketing was done only with multiple physical-world…

How social media filter bubbles and algorithms influence the election

With Facebook becoming a key electoral battleground, researchers are studying how automated accounts are used to alter political debate online Revealed: Facebook’s internal rules on sex, terrorism and violence A…

How A Man Born Without Eyes Plays Video Games

Toby Ott is 27 years old. He’s been playing video games since he was five, when he first tried out Mortal Kombat in an arcade. Which sounds like a fairly…

How to Help Employees Adapt to New Technology

Every year, new and improved technologies emerge that have consistently proved to be beneficial for our everyday lives. Owing to the positive impacts that these tools of technology bring to…

Wacky treats and social media tricks: How fast food’s secret sauce lures you in

Photos of Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino were everywhere you looked on social media. And if you weren't Facebooking, Instagramming or tweeting about the bright pink and purple drink, you were listening to…

How to Run an SEO Campaign in 6 Steps

This article is part of an SEO series from WooRank. Thank you for supporting the partners who make SitePoint possible. So you’ve decided to start an SEO campaign for your website.…

Sharenting and divorce: How social media can affect your family court case

It’s important to remember too, that once you put something out into the world, it isn’t very easy to take it back. Deleting a post does not mean it’s completely…

How To Get Started With App Store SEO

If you’re a digital marketing veteran, you already know about search engine optimization (SEO) and how it can attract more traffic to your site—even if you’re not well versed in…