First Team to Beat Destiny Raid Added to Guinness World Records

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When Destiny‘s latest raid King’s Fall was released just a few days after The Taken King expansion, thousands of players descended on Bungie’s newest PvE challenge. Called the biggest and most challenging raid Bungie had ever made for Destiny, it took the first team about seven hours to solve its tricks and come out on top.

The World’s First team made up of popular Twitch streamers Gothalion, Professor Broman, Gunny629, Rebelize_, Charionna, and TheTeawrex got an unexpected surprise today—their efforts nabbed them a Guinness World Record.

Guinness World Records made it official on their website:

On 19 September 2015, a six-player fireteam led by Twitch broadcaster and shooter fan “Gothalion” (USA) became the first group to beat the “King’s Fall” raid from Destiny‘s The Taken King expansion – dubbed the biggest and most difficult challenge yet from Bungie’s FPS series. News of the success was Tweeted at 12:53 am, just under 13 hours after the raid’s 10 am release.

The King’s Fall World First team tweeted their reactions to the news this morning:


When the post first went up on Guiness World Record’s site, they mistakenly listed Charionna twice and left TheTeawrex off the list, which led to a funny exchange on Twitter:


At the time of completing the raid in September, the team didn’t plan on being the first one’s to beat King’s Fall. While many competitive clans and teams in Destiny strive to be the first to beat a new raid when it is released, Gothalion’s team was merely focused on getting through the raid and having a good time doing it. First and foremost, streamers are entertainers and if the content isn’t engaging there’s no point. It just so happens that all of that time spent entertaining (and playing countless hours with each other) prepared the team for the epic showdown with Oryx


What’s most interesting is that this is the first time Guinness has awarded one of their World Records for a Destiny raid or any feat for that matter. It’s especially curious since there have been two other raids, Vault of Glass and Crota’s End, that also each had World First finishers. More likely, Guinness has chosen to document this World’s First because it was supported by video evidence – a Twitch livestream – that the World Record referees could verify.

What do you think of the King’s Fall World First Team getting a Guinness World Record? Do you hope more gaming feats, whether in Destiny or not, will be awarded by Guinness in the future?


[Source:- gamerant]