With Thanksgiving just around the corner, GTA is giving players another great way to enjoy the holidays with the release of the “Running Back” adversary mode.
The game would require two teams squaring off from opposing sides of a roadway. Each team should have a total of four to eight players. The so-called “Runner” must be able to get across the end zone line found at the far end of the highway. Riding a Benefactor Panto, the Runner is joined by his teammates who would be driving behind their BF Biftas.
“Today, we’ve got a brand-new addition to the permanent roster ofGTA Online Adversary Modes for PS4, Xbox One and PC,” saidRockstar Games. “In the spirit and tradition of American Football this Thanksgiving week, we present a new mode entitled Running Back.”
GTA‘s Adversary Modes were launched in early March in conjunction with the release of the Heists Update. With the addition of “Running Back,” there are now ten different modes where players of a group can go up against another group in several ways.
These modes have been identified as “Come Out To Play, Siege Mentality, Hasta La Vista, Cross The Line, Hunting Pack, Keep The Pace, Offense Defense, Relay and Slasher.”
The team who is fighting against the Runner and his team would be in the defensive line and would also be using the same vehicles that were mentioned earlier. Their objective is to block, crash and destroy their opponent and make sure that they are unable to reach their goal.
One interesting addition is the free-roam chaos mode which players wanted to have for quite some time now. Sam Mas of New Zealand even launched a petition called “Add a Friendly Free Roam Mode to GTA V Online” back in 2014 where, getting 102 supporters on board but failing short of the intended number of 200.
His letter to Rockstar Games read “Can you please add a Friendly Free Roam mode to GTA V Online, like how it was done in GTA IV and Red Dead Redemption. This will help make me enjoy the game again.”
The new “Running Back” mode is available at three locations that include La Mesa Bridge, Raton Canyon Bridge and Zancudo Tunnel. It is now available as a free update on the PC, Xbox One and PS4.
Rockstar Games also invited players to tune in to Twitch or YouTube at 5pm EST on Wednesday to see them play “Running Back” and other Adversary Modes.
Grand Theft Auto V is available on the PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS4 and PS3.