How a content audit can improve your organic SEO performance

You only need to glance at the data in Google Trends to see how much interest in content marketing has increased in the last five years. But while interest has…

What Is a Google Penalty in SEO?

This week for “Ask An SEO”, we have a question from Quora: “What is a Google Penalty in SEO?” The term “penalty” is often used very loosely in SEO circles. When…

The Five Commandments Of JavaScript And SEO For Beginners

Your business has a website. You’re not a tech expert. These two sentences describe most business owners, and that presents some challenges. First, you probably don’t care about the process…

SEO UX Play: Information Architecture & Linking Hierarchy

UX is not just about simplicity and design, it is how users experience a site. Experiencing a site boils down to three things: Getting to the site. Exploring content. Converting or satisfying…

An Enterprise SEO Framework: From Crawling to Conversions [WEBINAR]

Google only crawls about half the pages on large enterprise websites. That mean half of the pages on your enterprise website won’t be added to Google’s index. It also means…

Google: JavaScript SEO is not Dying, It’s Evolving

Google’s John Mueller and Martin Splitt recently debunked the notion that JavaScript SEO is dying. It’s certainly not dying, nor is it getting easier. If anything, JavaScript SEO is only…

Why Your SEO Keyword Research Needs to Evolve & Focus on Topics

For most of us, one of the first things we do when optimizing a site is to perform keyword research. Millions of pixels and column inches have been spent outlining various…

5 Tips to Improve Your Regional SEO Strategy

For some businesses, ranking for a larger region may make more sense than optimizing for a hyperlocal approach. This is especially true for service area businesses that offer services in…

7 Things SEO Tools Can’t Tell You

We all rely on specific tools to do our jobs as SEO professionals. Often we gravitate toward the tools that save us the most time while also providing us with the best…

How SEO Professionals Can Thrive in a Slow Economy

Things look pretty good for a lot of SEO professionals right now. The economy seems to be humming along and there’s plenty of business for everyone. But it won’t always…