Welcome to the revealathon
Latest update: April 6
Whispers of the Old Gods is the new tentacle-themed expansion for Blizzard’s fantasy-themed slot machine simulator. The new set is due for release sometime between late April and early May, and will see 134 cards added to Hearthstone. At the same time, the “constructed” version of the game will be split into two formats, with old sets The Curse of Naxxramas and Goblins vs Gnomes rotating out of “Standard”, but remaining playable in “Wild”.
To help you theorycraft your next suffocatingly brutal face deck, we’re going to list all the cards here as they’re revealed. At the present pace that’s about 1.5 per day, but on previous form you can expect a larger dump close to the release date.
You may also wish to check our gallery of the most powerful cards that will be leaving Standard, or Sottle’s breakdown of the most important Legendary cards in the game right now, which we’ll update once the new expansion has settled in. Finally, with a wave of balance changes due to hit at the same time the format split happens, we also have Reynad’s verdict on which Classic and Basic cards need to be nerfed.
[Source:- PCgamer]