Konami Japan told the media that the right conditions can now trigger a special event inside Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.
Even if there is still mystery surrounding the precise details, Konami announced that the series of conditions must be met to the letter for players to access the event. Konami is no stranger to hiding content inside its latest open world action-adventure stealth video game, but this time gamers have to do more than just repeat the same mission seven times.
To unlock and trigger the secret event in the game, the following criteria have to happen:
– Mission 31 should be completed successfully.
– Players should own or develop zero nuclear weapons.
– The regional server on a player’s corresponding gaming platform should have in effect a number of conditions that refer to “nuclear proliferation.” These platforms are PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PC, Xbox One and Xbox 360.
– Every nuclear weapon must have been dismantled on the regional server in which the gamer plays.
As ambitious as it might sound to make more than 5 million players cooperate, it should be noted that the conditions apply to regional servers. As rumors about the secret event in Metal Gear Solid V surfaced some months ago, the gaming community started dismantling nuclear weapons at a furious pace.
Konami pointed out that when all the conditions are met, the event happens automatically after the player comes back to his main base, in the aftermath of completing a mission.
Metal Gear Solid V always had an impressive connection with its fan base, going as far as starting development on a prosthetic limb inspired by the game’s character, Snake. With this level of communication between the developer and gamers, it is easy to imagine that the anti-war, anti-nuclear message that Konami subtly advertises will not go unnoticed.
Official numbers already show that the players are working together. On Konami’s web page, you can see that nuclear weapons’ numbers are going into remission.
By Nov. 1
– PlayStation 4: 2,761
– PlayStation 3: 1,685
– Xbox One: 525
– Xbox 360: 1,011
– PC (Steam): 36,552
By Nov. 25
– PlayStation 4: 352
– PlayStation 3: 250
– Xbox One: 96
– Xbox 360: 85
– PC (Steam): 15,691