The newest Pokemon added to augmented-reality game Pokemon Go is Spinda, as part of the “research tasks” i.e., the monthly quests for August.
According to screenshots posted by Pokemon Go players on Twitter and Reddit, you get a chance to capture Spinda after hitting three curveballs in a row. The research task can be obtained by spinning a PokeStop. This is the only way to catch Spinda in the game, as of now.
As seen in the image and per the description on the Pokemon community wiki, Spinda is a “bipedal, panda Pokémon with rabbit-like features. Its eyes are made of two black spirals, which point in the opposite direction to each other.” Spinda has no known evolved form.
Spinda is a Generation 3 Pokemon and has millions of spot variations in the mainline Pokemon titles. And while data mines of Pokemon Go APKs showed eight possible variations, only one form seems to be available right now, judging by the images.
The new Pokemon’s research task is one of several new for the month of August, which build up towards a chance to catch the Legendary Pokemon Raikou, if you manage to finish research tasks for seven days.
The previous new Pokemon was the Mythical Pokemon Celebi, which was made available in July through the in-app Special Research feature.
Later that month, Niantic revealed a new three-strike policy for Pokemon Go cheaters. Niantic defines cheating as behaviour that violates the game’s terms of service and trainer guidelines. This includes spoofing GPS and accessing Pokemon Go game files with third-party software or add-ons.