The PlayStation Store lists an unannounced season pass for Final Fantasy XV, though it’s not clear what season pass owners will receive for their money.
While it hasn’t been officially announced yet, it appears as though Final Fantasy XV will have a season pass, if a recent PlayStation Store listing is to be believed. According to the PlayStation Store listing, Final Fantasy XV will have a season pass available for purchase separately when the game itself goes on sale on September 30th, and it will also be bundled with the digital premium edition.
Further details on the supposed Final Fantasy XV season pass are scarce at this time. No pricing details for the standalone season pass are available, except the digital premium edition will cost $84.99. Based on the digital premium edition’s price, it’s reasonable to assume the standalone season pass will cost somewhere in the $20 to $25 range.
At this point, it’s unclear what players will get in return for their cash. The only content we know for sure is coming to Final Fantasy XV post-launch is its first-person VR experience, where players take control of Prompto instead of Noctis. However, the Final Fantasy XV VR experience is expected to be added to the game in a free content update sometime after the launch of PlayStation VR, so it’s not representative of what fans will be getting with the season pass.
Until Square Enix decides to officially reveal the season pass, its content will remain a mystery. Based on what Square Enix has included in season passes for its other games, one has to imagine that it will include new cosmetic items for the in-game characters, and probably some story expansions as well.
As for when Square Enix will pull the curtain back on the season pass, there are a handful of opportunities to do so before the game’s launch on September 30th. For example, Square Enix could use the excitement surrounding Gamescom later this month to detail Final Fantasy XV‘s season pass. Or, if it wants to wait until the last minute, Square Enix could also discuss the game’s season pass at Tokyo Game Show in September.
Whenever Square Enix decides to reveal Final Fantasy XV‘s season pass, hopefully it’s specific, as some companies have been criticized in the past for selling season passes before even letting fans know what they’re buying. After the debacle that was Final Fantasy XIV‘s launch and the mixed reception to XIII, Square Enix will want XV to receive as much good press as possible, and being upfront about the game’s season pass will help accomplish that.
[Source: GR]