How a failed Kickstarter sparked EVE Online’s second largest battle ever

EVE Online is famous for its colossal wars and battles, in which thousands of players fight, destroying ships worth hundreds of thousands of dollars if converted to real money value. And war is on…

Virtual, Augmented Reality Will Change How We Work, Play and Live

Virtual reality, and its close partner augmented reality, used to be the stuff of science fiction. But now that both technologies have become more practical and accessible, they’re changing the…

How To Select The Best SMS Gateway API

Today, businesses, large companies, and government agencies all over the world depend on SMS communication. But, Bulk SMS service providers and SMS Gateways are not all the same. Quality differs…

How to use Spin Bikes to Exercise better

Spins bikes are one of the most common forms of an indoor workout routine. It helps to provide you with a low impact but a high intensity workout regime to…

How South America’s lithium triangle is gearing up to feed our battery addiction

Far from the soy and cattle that dominate its vast fertile pampas, Argentina harbours another valuable commodity that is rocketing in price and demand and luring newly welcomed foreign investors.…

Division: How to Create an OP Skill Power Build

After demonstrating some advice regarding skills, talents, and player builds, YouTuber Arekkz is back with a new video that demonstrates a new Sticky Bomb Skill Power build. One of the…

The Division Guide: How to Unlock Weapon Skins

Looking for ways to acquire weapon skins and patterns for your guns? Follow this helpful guide for Tom Clancy’s The Division on ways to easily unlock and purchase new skins. For…

Marketing Automation and Creativity: How to Have Your Cake and Eat it Too

Some people are locked into the belief that technology is destroying creativity, particularly in the marketing department. This probably goes back some way; you could imagine a caveman looking at a paintbrush, tutting…

How Modern-Day Difficulty Masters Create Challenging Games That Are Still Fun To Play

For most game designers, homing in on the right degree of difficulty is akin to discovering the Holy Grail. Make a game too easy, and players breeze through its forgettable…

How we made Angry Birds

‘It needed enemies fast – so I just drew this pig thing I’ve been drawing since I was 10’ Angry Birds … ‘When we tried it out on people, they…