How to Track the Results of your Influencer Marketing Efforts (and Why You Should)

Influencer Marketing. What's considered by many to be the next big thing in marketing seems to have become a dirty word to some, particularly those who feel like they haven't seen any significant return on…

New Destiny: Rise of Iron Trailer – 7 Things You Missed

A new ViDoc shows off all the content coming in Destiny‘s fall expansion, Rise of Iron. Here are seven things insideDestiny‘s new ViDoc that may have eluded you. Destiny: Rise…

PaaS-ing the savings directly to you

On this space we’ve substantially blanketed the blessings of Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) to your improvement, implementation, and guide teams. There are benefits to be found out from a management perspective as…

PillDrill Scanning system could song Prescriptions And Remind You To Take Your Meds

Quite a few people taking prescription medicines inclusive of preservation pills generally tend to forget about in the event that they have taken their dose for the day whilst a…

6 Landing Page Mistakes You Want to Avoid at Any Cost

If you're doing your marketing right, visitors will be coming to your landing page in droves. Your landing page is crucial. It's often the first real encounter people might have…

Destiny April Update: Everything You Need to Know

The Destiny April Update has now gone live. What’s the best way to prepare? How big is the update? What’s the first thing you should do? Find the answers here. The…

5 Content Marketing Metrics You Should Be Tracking

If you promised yourself that 2016 was going to be the year that you doubled-down on content marketing for brand growth, it's imperative that you've also established a clear understanding of your metrics…

Social Media Algorithms and What They Mean for You

"Voodoo". "Black magic". "The death of a platform". These are just some of the affectionate terms that people have been using to describe social media's shift towards algorithm-based feeds. Social media…

$1930 gets you a gold-plated Samsung Galaxy S7 edge

Luxury specialists Karalux out of Vietnam are now offering a gold-plating service for the Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 edge, so you can upgrade from your last-year 24K-coveredSamsung flagship. Samsung's…

This drone will take your selfies for you

Selfie sticks - apart from being irritating and something that should be destroyed - are already getting too long to be practical. So (sadly) companies are looking on ways to…