With the massive competition happening in the video game industry, it’s important for each new title that it provide a solid first impression for gamers. That first impression often comes, in almost all cases, from the game’s opening level, where players either fall in love or lose interest and move on.
Considering the impact opening levels can have on gamers, we polled our writers to see what games they thought have the best start. In our list below, we’ve selected games whose first level impressed us, challenged us, and sparked within us a love for gaming.
It’s quite possible that the opening level in Super Mario Bros. is the most-played in video game history. Even gamers too young to remember the game’s original release have the opportunity to run, jump, and stomp their way through the game’s first level.
Despite its simplicity, the opening level in Super Mario Bros. will be remembered as the one that introduced millions of gamers to the red-clad Italian plumber, and the level that ignited a love for gaming in the hearts of gamers around the world.
[“Source- gamerant”]