It’s time to settle the age old debate about whether Sonic was actually fun or just something we all pretended to like to piss off our friends.
I honestly can’t ever remember every enjoying the games. What I do enjoy are my memories of playing the games which have little to do with actually trying to beat them and were more about searching for secret power-ups because nothing is cooler than seeing Sonic covered by a useless orb of elemental energy.
But of course whether heavy jumping physics and constantly poking players with prickly enemies until they’ve managed to lose every last ring is good game design or not is really beside the point. Sonic is much bigger than that. In fact, he was always bigger than that.
His whole selling point was that other people didn’t want you to like him. It was weird and who knows if it really worked and yet here we are in 2017, still talking about Sonic long after the consoles he was a mascot for stopped getting made.
Here’s everything else coming out over the next couple of weeks.
Monday, August 14
- StarCraft: Remastered — PC
Tuesday, August 15
- Agents of Mayhem — Xbox One, PS4, PC
- 3D MiniGolf — PS4
- Dark Mystery — PS4
- Cities: Skylines — PS4
- Matterfall — PS4
- Nidhogg 2 — PS4, PC
- Defenders of Ekron — PS4, PC
- Eliosi’s Hunt — PS4
- Night Trap 25th Anniversary — PS4, PC
- Observer — Xbox One, PS4, PC, Linux, Mac
- Sonic Mania — Xbox One, PS4, Switch
- Sudden Strike 4 — PS4
- The Pillars of The Earth Book 1: From The Ashes — Xbox One, PS4, PC, Linux, Mac
- Troll And I — Switch
- Tokyo 42 — PS4
- The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II — PS4
- Night Trap – 25th Anniversary Edition — PS4, PC
- Paranormal Activity: The Lost Soul — PSVR
- Undertale — PS4, Vita
Wednesday, August 16
- Circuit Breakers — Xbox One
- Conan Exiles — Xbox One
Friday, August 18
- Zero Escape: Zero Time Dilemma — PS4
- Thumper — Xbox One
Coming Soon
Monday, August 21
- Westslingers — PC
Tuesday, August 22
- The Escapists 2 — Xbox One, PS4, PC
- ChromaGun — PS4
- Mages of Mystralia — PS4
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy — PS4
- White Day: A Labyrinth Named School — PS4, PC
Friday, Agusut 25
- F1 2017 — Xbox One, PS4, PC
- Madden NFL 18 — Xbox One, PS4
- Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Legacy — Xbox One, PS4, PC
- One Piece: Unlimited World Red Deluxe Edition — PS4, PC
What else is coming out soon? Planning to play something on Steam or mobile? Tell us about it in the comments.