In a post on Twitter, Destiny: The Taken King’s creative director reveals Bungie is planning to improve rewards and drop rates for the weekly Nightfall mission.
While Destiny: The Taken King made a number of sweeping changes and improvements to the overall experience, the weekly Nightfall mission remains an area of concern for players. Luke Smith has acknowledged those concerns via his Twitter account where he has promised that Bungie is planning to not only increase the rewards for completing these challenging missions, but the amount of strange coins earned as well. Currently, Nightfall rewards are fairly limited, providing anything from lower-end legendary gear, zero reputation increase, or low level runes.
Prior to the launch of The Taken King, the weekly Nightfall mission rewarded players with a buff that granted a small experience boost for the rest of the week, prompting many to complete the strike early to maximize the benefit. To curb the behavior, Bungie removed the buff completely during the massive 2.0 update, and lessened the difficulty by adding a checkpoint system rather than kicking the fireteam back to orbit upon death.
While nothing is official based off this tweet, it’s encouraging to see that Bungie is well aware of the discrepancy of reward to challenge, considering the Nightfall mission is one of the more difficult elements to the game. For completing the challenge, players should be rewarded and currently, not enough is being given to justify the level of effort.Bungie continues to steadily tweak the experience in Destinysince the launch of The Taken King last month. Just this week, a new patch has altered a number of pain points in the game including the removal of the Shot Package perk from shotguns, which many have felt were negatively affecting the Crucible multiplayer modes. Outside of that, Bungie lowered the Crucible quest difficulty, added the Twist Fate reroll ability for exotic armor, and updated the specific drop rates for some of the game’s economy including Strange Coins, Motes of Light, and Weapon Parts.
This biggest change this week however is the return of Tess Everis to the Tower, where she has opened up a new shop called the Eververse Trading Company. Unlike other vendors however, Everis manages the game’s first attempt at microtransactions, selling various emotes in exchange for a new currency called Silver. Silver can be purchased in bulk for real world money, something fans have begun to fear will eventually result in other types of consumables being made available. Bungie has stated that everything offered will be completely optional and offer no player advantages going forward.
[“Source- gamerant”]