Bungie has published the patch notes of an update coming toDestiny next week, and the Iron Banner is making a return. On top of that, swords will be available for purchase, the fix for Nightstalkers will be included and many others.
First off, the Iron Banner is coming back, but this time, it’ll be Clash rather than Control, which means that players can just shoot enemies up instead of focusing on territory.
“I’d expect to see a bit less Super ability usage, and a lot more shooting across the board, but good teams will work together and hold territory even without the scoring incentives that Control provided,” Derek Carroll, senior designer at Bungie, says about the major change in the update notes.
The rewards from Iron Banner will also be getting some tweaks here and there. Players will enjoy a 20 percent increase in reputation gain from wins in Iron Banner matches, as well as an increase in activity completion rewards at all ranks, where the most considerable increases will start from Rank 2.
When players reach Rank 3 and 5, they can get packages from Lord Saladin, and they can acquire Iron Banner Artifacts from the Rank 3 package. On the other hand, they can get the Iron Banner Ghost Shells from the Rank 5 package or activity rewards.
Moving on to the Nightstalkers fix, the Quiver perk will be usable again with three Shadowshots, where the glitch that gave players unlimited Shadowshots has been fixed. Also, when the update goes live, players who have completed the Blademaster quest will be able to obtain three Legendary swords from Lord Shaxx.
Just in time for the holidays, Bungie mentions its upcoming Refer-a-Friend program, suggesting that participants will get “new rewards.”
The patch notes are yet to be completed, so it’s safe to expect a lot more feature and changes on the release date.