Ever wish you had your very own Estus flask from Dark Souls? Well you can if you buy the new Prima strategy guide.
The Dark Souls 3 limited edition guide contains a high-quality, resin replica of the emerald Estus Flask, as well as a few other goodies.
You also get a replica of the Wolf Knight’s Greatsword, which is described as “a sculpted and etched metal bookmark to mark your place while using the hardcover guide“.
Then there’s the Darksign journal, which is essentially just a notepad you can use to make notes while you’re playing the game.
Oh yeah, and there’s also a mobile-friendly eGuide in case you lose your guide.
At the moment it’s only out in the US, where it’s available for the sum of $129.99.
It’s a bit more extravagant than the ‘Apocalypse Edition’, which comes with a physical copy of the upcoming game, a metal case and a soundtrack disc.
Dark Souls 3 launches on April 12 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
The game will challenge players to survive a coming apocalypse in a vast, twisted world full of fearsome beasts, devious traps and hidden secrets.
Xbox One pre-order customers will receive the original Dark Souls, which is getting the backwards compatibility treatment.
There’s also a Dark Souls 3 season pass, which grants access to two DLC packs. Among other things, the DLC will introduce new maps, bosses, enemies and additional weapon and armour sets.