In an update to how the game deals with cheaters, players using bots and scanners to find the best Pokemon are being flagged by Niantic.
Pokemon Go users with flagged accounts are then only able to see common Pokemon like Pidgeys and Rattatas.
“As bot accounts (which power ‘scanners’) are being flagged, some scanners are only able to show common species,” reads a Silph Road blog post. “Others have shut down temporarily, pending a workaround to the anti-botting measures, to preserve their accounts from being shadowbanned.
“But many are still operation, as not all bot accounts are being flagged.
“Bot operators can simply create new accounts (though this can cost time or even money from black-market vendors) to keep things operational for now. Though notably, even many of these brand new bot accounts are being flagged.”
With Legendary Pokemon reportedly coming to the game in the coming months, measures to counter cheats are becoming increasingly essential.
The latest release from the Pokemon Company is a bizarre new game in which players catch Magikarp and train them to jump the highest.
Here’s how the Pokemon Company describes it: “What is this world coming to?! It’s a Pokemon game all about the weakest Pokemon ever – Magikarp! Anyone can play this simple game in their spare time to create the most majestic Magikarp ever in this official Pokemon app!”
It even features appearances from Pikachu and Piplup.
You can download Magikarp Jump for free from the iOS App Store and Google Play for Android.
You can check out Magikarp Jump images in the gallery above.