Social media fights back against fake news

Getty Images Facebook and other social media networks are taking steps to make sure their platforms don't become tools for foreign governments spreading "fake news" stories. Experts consider the threat…

Saharanpur Dalit-Thakur violence: Here’s why UP blocked WhatsApp, social media

A black hole for content There is no non-anecdotal way to track the spread of content on WhatsApp. Facebook, for instance, is compatible with analytics tools capable of determining that…

This social media site ranked worst for mental health

Instagram app on a smartphone. Instagram is the most detrimental social media platform to young people's mental health, according to new research out of the U.K. Researchers from the Royal…

This social media site ranked worst for mental health

Instagram is the most detrimental social media platform to young people's mental health, according to new research out of the U.K. Researchers from the Royal Society for Public Health in…

How social media filter bubbles and algorithms influence the election

With Facebook becoming a key electoral battleground, researchers are studying how automated accounts are used to alter political debate online Revealed: Facebook’s internal rules on sex, terrorism and violence A…

Wacky treats and social media tricks: How fast food’s secret sauce lures you in

Photos of Starbucks' Unicorn Frappuccino were everywhere you looked on social media. And if you weren't Facebooking, Instagramming or tweeting about the bright pink and purple drink, you were listening to…

Teenage body fears influenced by social media – report

More than half of teenagers have felt or do feel insecure about their appearance, according to research. Nearly half of girls have tried to lose weight by the age of…

Sharenting and divorce: How social media can affect your family court case

It’s important to remember too, that once you put something out into the world, it isn’t very easy to take it back. Deleting a post does not mean it’s completely…

Emma Watson says social media is incredibly dangerous

Beauty and the Beast star Emma Watson has warned about the dangers of social media, saying that it can be "incredibly dangerous". The 27-year-old actress, who was 33 million followers on…

Don’t blame social media for our political divisions

People clash at a Trump rally in Chicago in 2016. Never before have Americans seemed so politically divided. You can hear the divisions in conversations at restaurants (particularly if you…