According to Making Star Wars, Nien Nunb and Greedo have been confirmed as the new playable heroes in the upcoming Battlefront DLC, “Outer Rim.”
You wouldn’t be blamed if one those names isn’t ringing a bell. Nien Nunb is one of the rebel pilots who, as best as I can describe, looks like a nightmare pig fish. Greedo, on the other hand, even casual fans of Star Wars seem to recognize. He’s that pucker-lipped green alien who tried to shake Han down in the Tattooine cantina. Just so we’re clear, there’s no way in hell this guy shot first.
Either way, it’ll be interesting to see how they come out in Battlefront.
As for the rest of the DLC, it looks like Battlefront fans have a lot to look forward to in the Outer Rim update. As a reminder, you’ll get everything in the DLC pack at no additional charge if you’re a season pass holder. Otherwise, expect to part with about another 10 bucks.
While we still don’t know when Outer Rim will drop, we know it will be takingBattlefront back to the planet Sullust. Expect to blast your way through some galactic factories on this extremely volcanic planet.
Another new map players will surly get a kick out of is Jabba the Hutt’s Palace. Others might also be included but, again, we’re shy on details. The above image is just about the only thing we have to go on visually, so take your time and soak it in as we wait for further information.
Along with all of that, you can also expect the usual assortment of DLC goodies forBattlefront, including a possible new game mode, weapons, vehicles and Star Cards to collect. It’s nice to see this game getting plenty of support, as the Star Warsfandom is once again kicking into full swing. Riding a wave of momentum from the most recent film and with fans anticipating the Rogue One movie this coming winter,Battlefront might become one of those rare shooters with plenty of staying power so long as the support stays strong.
[Source:- Cinemablend]