Niantic have provided a big update concerning the ongoing Pokemon Go Travel: Global Catch Challenge event.
It has now been revealed that Trainers around the world have caught enough Pocket Monsters over the last week to unlock the event’s full rewards.
That means Pokemon Go fans have now unlocked double Stardust, double XP, 6 hour-long Lure Modules and a lot more Pokemon appearing worldwide.
And now that 3 Billion Pocket Monsters have been caught, the bonus list also includes all of the above, as well as FarFetch’d being released worldwide for 48 hours, alongside Kangaskhan becoming available in East Asia for 48 hours.
“Congratulations, Trainers! You did it! You’ve caught over 3 billion Pokémon and unlocked a new reward during the Global Catch Challenge,” Niantic confirmed earlier tonight.
It should be noted that apart from the two new Gold Tier rewards, all the other bonuses will be available until December 1st.
This latest Pokemon Go event is scheduled to end on Friday, at around 9pm UK time.
Pokemon Go fans have a real chance of unlocking all of the new rewards being offered by Niantic this week.
It has now been confirmed that Trainers have caught over 2 billion Pocket Monsters since the start of the new Pokemon Go event.
The Global Catch Challenge ends on November 26, giving fans a short window of time to grab all the bonuses up for grabs.
As confirmed by Niantic earlier this week, Trainers need to catch a total of 3 billion Pokemon to unlock all the rewards currently on offer.
Trainers have so far unlocked double Stardust, double XP, 6 hour-long Lure Modules and a lot more Pokemon appearing worldwide.
However, the final Gold tier will unlock the best bonuses that a lot of Trainers will hoping can be reached in the time left.
Trainers will be boosted by the launch of the Pokemon Go Safari Zone event in Japan
The special local event is taking place at the Tottori Sand Dunes in Japan, with increased ground and water Pokemon guaranteed, along with Mr.Mime and Unown.
Trainers are being kept up-to-date by the likes of IHasCupquake, Coisa de Nerd, and Rachel Quirico, who will be reporting from the Pokemon Go Safari Zone event.
There’s also hope that a new Legendary Pokemon might be released on November 26, as part of the event in Japan.
Oh-Ho is a top candidate for release, although Niantic have not revealed if anything has been scheduled for the last day of the Safari Zone.
Pokemon Go developer Niantic appears to have caught the Black Friday bug, as a new sale hits the in-game store.
Pokemon Go fans can currently pick up Super Incubators for 200 PokeCoins, Special Boxes for 380 PokeCoins and Ultra Boxes for 880 PokeCoins.
Costing only 50 PokeCoins more than regular Incubators, Super Incubators can be used to speed up egg hatch rates.
Special Boxes, meanwhile, contain 20 Great Balls, six Lucky Eggs, four Lure Modules and one Premium Raid Pass.
Finally, Ultra Boxes come with 16 Lucky Eggs, four Premium Raid Passes, eight Lure Modules and a whopping 30 Ultra Balls.
It’s Niantic’s way of encouraging players to capture more Pokemon as part of the Global Catch Challenge event.
A new Pokemon Go Shiny has been discovered in the game’s latest update.
Dataminers believe they have found Cleffa, the pre-evolution form of Clefairy which can be found as part of Generation 2.
However, it’s unclear just when a Shiny could be launched, meaning fans could be waiting until the next big event.
We have seen other variants launch in this way; Niantic released around three new kinds of Shiny Pokemon during the 2017 Halloween Celebration.
There was also more evidence found of Niantic preparing for the launch of Generations 3.
Dataminers found new moves in the game’s master code, suggesting that everything is on track for a December release.