Halo 5: Guardians Screenshots Show Off Redesigned Covenant Vehicles

Arguably the Xbox One’s biggest exclusive this holiday season, Halo 5: Guardians is not only expected to give the second place console a sizable bump in sales, but might also redeem the efforts of…

Destiny: King’s Fall Raid World Record Set at 34 Minutes

For Destiny fans, The Taken King was a real breath of fresh air. The game’s biggest expansion to date demonstrated all that Bungie has learned from a year of passionate fan…

Sony Discontinues PlayStation 3 in New Zealand

The Sony PlayStation 3 didn’t exactly have the easiest start to life. Not only did the console launch almost an entire year after its closest rival, the Xbox 360, but its…

The Top 10 Opening Levels in Video Games

With the massive competition happening in the video game industry, it’s important for each new title that it provide a solid first impression for gamers. That first impression often comes,…

Shenmue 3 Director Wants More Money for Gorgeous Visuals

After becoming one of E3 2015’s big surprise reveals, die-hard fans of Shenmue 3 have made sure that the long-awaited title will be released no matter what happens. With more…

StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void Video Details Protoss History

The Protoss are within striking distance of Aiur, their ancestral homeland which succumbed to the tide of the Zerg horde in the original game. The final chapter of the StarCraft 2…

Destiny: The Taken King Development Started Before Original Game’s Launch

Destiny: The Taken King is a huge step forward for the franchise and the game experience itself, adding in new features and fixing a lot of the problems players have…

Rainbow Six Siege Beta Platform Resolutions Revealed

One major area of contention between Xbox One and PlayStation 4 owners is the difference in the consoles’ resolutions. Despite the fact that neither console can perform at 1080p natively,…

Fallout 4 Xbox One Download Size Revealed

One of the biggest issues that gamers have constantly run into with current-gen hardware has been the limitations of each platform’s hard drive. While each launched with 500 GB, consumers…

This is Why You Have to Wait for New Super Mario Maker Content

When Super Mario Maker was announced at E3 2014, many Nintendo fans were excited about finally having the chance to legitimately create courses for the iconic plumber to traverse. Promising content…